Possible to view Lynda.com videos with TenFourFox?

Jaeson Koszarsky's Avatar

Jaeson Koszarsky

Mar 07, 2019 @ 04:57 PM

I'm using the latest version of TenFourFox on my 17" PowerBook G4 1.67GHz with 2GB and OS X 10.5.8. I have QuickTimeEnabler v120 installed.

Is there a way for me to view the videos on Lynda.com with TenFourFox? I can login to Lynda and navigate the pages ok. When i click the play button, the window just goes black and nothing happens. I can view videos on YouTube, a bit understandably sluggish on my PowerBook but they play. I don't know what method Lynda is using to stream their videos. If there's a workaround to viewing video on Lynda, I'd appreciate it.


  1. 1 Posted by Jaeson Koszarsk... on Mar 08, 2019 @ 02:05 PM

    Jaeson Koszarsky's Avatar

    I did try turning MSE on/off in preferences. I also disabled pop-up blockers. Still no video.

    Are there recommended add-ons that force html5 that might help?

    Can TenFourFox force request using a mobile version of the website to see if that helps? I know with FireFox under iOS, I can pick mobile or request desktop versions of websites.


  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on Mar 10, 2019 @ 08:58 AM

    Chris (chtrusch)'s Avatar

    These videos require H.264 capabilities, which TFF doesn't have (yet). They play fine in Safari 5 if you have the latest Leopard Webkit installed.

    If you go th Preferences > TenFourFox and choose User Agent: iOS Safari you will get mobile versions on many (but not all) sites.

  3. 3 Posted by Jaeson Koszarsk... on Mar 10, 2019 @ 03:28 PM

    Jaeson Koszarsky's Avatar

    Thanks. I tried iOS in User Agent but no success. Good to know it's there though.

    When I try Safari5, I get unable to establish secure connection errors. I haven't used Safari in ages though and it may not have all the updates. Something to look into.

    Thanks for the tips, and thanks to everyone that keeps TFF going.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on Mar 10, 2019 @ 04:09 PM

    Chris (chtrusch)'s Avatar

    Regarding Safari: That's why I wrote 'if you have the latest Leopard Webkit installed'. Download here, and you'll have a modern, up-to-date Safari:
    NB: Download this using TenFourFox, the original Safari 5 won't be able to make the secure connection.

  5. 5 Posted by Jaeson Koszarsk... on Mar 10, 2019 @ 09:17 PM

    Jaeson Koszarsky's Avatar

    Thanks for sharing the link!

  6. 6 Posted by kevmo on Mar 14, 2019 @ 12:56 AM

    kevmo's Avatar

    I use video downloaders then watch movies with quicktime or VLC.
    can go up to 1280x720. gave up on playing in browser, youtube stuff will play (badly).
    some other sites play ok, but I think youtube xtra functions (ads etc) cause problems.

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