TenFourFox upgrade

Jana's Avatar


Jun 01, 2020 @ 12:24 AM

I have a mac laptop that has osx 10.5.8 and is a powerbook 64. which TenFourFox upgrade should I install

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on Jun 01, 2020 @ 06:15 AM

    Chris (chtrusch)'s Avatar

    I don't know what a PowerBook 64 is (PowerBook 6,4? PowerBook G4?), but if it's running 10.5 you most certainly should download TenFourFox 7450 ("G4e").

  2. 2 Posted by Jana Miller on Jun 01, 2020 @ 06:43 AM

    Jana Miller's Avatar

    Hi Chris, thank you so much for responding to my question. I will do
    as you suggest. Can you give me an idea how to download the TenFourFox
    7450, I have never downloaded anything like this before, my ex
    significant other always took care of things like this for me. Any
    directions you could give me would be really appreciated. :)

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on Jun 01, 2020 @ 07:53 AM

    Chris (chtrusch)'s Avatar

    Go to http://www.floodgap.com/software/tenfourfox/, scroll down to 'It’s easy to upgrade.', then click 7450 ("G4e"). Unzip the downloaded file and move the unzipped TenFourFox7450.app to your applications folder.

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