Want to access soundcloud.com to upload.
I'm running a pretty ancient operating system due the fact that I permanently use Pro-tools7.4, and a pretty ancient Garage band as well. I am a up and coming artist/s Duo, on the verge of signing a deal and was trying to promote my soon to be released Digital 45 "kisses in the Park". I cannot update my browsers anymore, and Chrome won't run on my system either.
OS: Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv:
Browser: Gecko/20120306 Firefox/3.6.28
Next Enabled: true
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on 09 Sep, 2014 08:24 AM
Rick, I can't help you much, I guess. If Firefox 3.6 and Safari 4.1.3 are too old for Soundcloud you're probably out of luck with 10.4. The G3 version of TenFourFox might run in Rosetta mode on your Mac, but the browser isn't supported on Intel Macs. Plus, for Soundcloud you likely need the Flash plugin which doesn't run in TenFourFox at all.
If you want to publish on Soundcloud and your business depends on it, you'll either have to invest in a new Mac and more recent software, or if money is tight at least partition your HD (or buy an external HD) and make your Mac dual bootable with Mac OS X 10.6. All Intel Macs can run 10.6 and this OS still supports up-to-date browsers. You could then keep on producing on 10.4, and publish on 10.6. Good luck!