Permanantly removing certain Search engines
No matter how many times I, "Remove" all the search engines, except Google, and
I make Google the Default engine, in the Preferences, after an hour or so, all the search engines magically return to the Preferences list and, "Yahoo" becomes my default browser.
Shouldn't I be able to have only Google in the "Search" part of Preferences as my default and only browser? Sorry for the ridiculous run-on sentence.
Also, I have selected the TTF, "Blank Page" preference and instead of a blank Home Page, I continuously get The TFF splash page. Is there anyway to fix these? I'm really enjoying TTF and I thank you guys (and girls) for all the hard work that you all have done.
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1 Posted by polluks on 02 Sep, 2018 11:09 PM
At least the order changes after an update...