Crashing of browser at specific situation

John Boyd's Avatar

John Boyd

24 Sep, 2015 06:05 PM

This has occurred often enough to post this question? discussion?

Say in email, I choose to "Compose" then select an address from my list, then enter a subject line.
Now I click in the area to enter my text and the browser crashes.
Relaunches to place me where I was, okay, and now a click in the text area works just as it should.

Another example helps to illustrate:
Say I take the trouble to agree to fill in a survey, say from Aflac or from CVS (both are real examples of this crash).
I've made progress through their multiple choices to the point where I'm asked to type in an appreciation (or disapproval) in a window and crash goes the browser with the first click.
Again, it relaunches and restores to the point where we were and a click in the text window activates it and accepts typing.

Odd, eh?

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  1. 31 Posted by Winston on 23 Jan, 2016 08:52 PM

    Winston's Avatar

    Cameron -

    Thanks for the very complete list of suggestions. Here's what's on my PowerBook:

    1. Devices connected - only one I have is an Edimax USB WiFi device. I removed it and quit the driver (called "Wireless Network Utility") and turned the internal AirPort card back on. Problem still occurs. Mine is a laptop, so the only other thing connected is the power cord.

    2. Keyboard locale is U.S. No accessibility features turned on.

    3. Items added to stock system:
    - Timbuktu 8.7.1
    - HP Communications
    - Little Snitch 1.2.4
    - huey 1.0
    - Flip4Mac WMV and Perian 1.2.3 for QuickTime
    - SMARTReporter 2.1.5
    - PopChar 4.1.1
    - Foomatic-RIP 4.0.6
    - GPL Ghostscript 8.71
    - hpijs 3.10.6
    - Archive Assistant Scheduler 9.0.1 (Stuffit)

    Programs typically running at the same time as TenFourFox:
    - Dashboard 1.0
    - PowerMail 6.2.1
    - iCal 2.0.5
    - Keychain Access 3.3
    - SpamSieve 2.9.6
    - Wireless Network Utility 2.0.2

    Software Update reports no updates needed.

    - Winston

    Cameron Kaiser wrote:

  2. 32 Posted by Winston on 23 Jan, 2016 09:01 PM

    Winston's Avatar

    John -

    If you open Activity Monitor (which is in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder) it will show you what programs are running. There will be a bunch of stuff that has to do with the System, with "kernel_task" probably at the top. You may have to click on the triangle for "launchd" then "WindowServer" to see the list of active programs. This will show you if there is anything that you are not aware of that might be running in the background. For example, on my system, Timbuktu Host, LittleSnitchDaemon, PopCar and HP Communications are all running in the background.

    Good luck.

    - Winston

    John Boyd wrote:

  3. 33 Posted by Winston on 23 Jan, 2016 09:09 PM

    Winston's Avatar

    ps: There is no Extensions folder in OS X. However, there is one in OS 9. Do you have OS 9/Classic installed, and if so, did you check the Extensions folder in the OS 9/Classic System folder? (The OS X system folder just says "System" with an "X" on it. The OS 9 system folder is called System Folder and has a "9" on it.) That would have no bearing as it's not used by OS X, unless maybe if you had Classic running under OS X.

    Good luck.

    - Winston

    John Boyd wrote:

  4. Support Staff 34 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 23 Jan, 2016 09:14 PM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    John is probably referring to /System/Library/Extensions, where OS-level kernel extensions (kexts) are stored. There is also a /Library/Extensions. The latter is probably more relevant, but it's possible certain programs could have used the /System/Library/Extensions folder erroneously.

  5. 35 Posted by Winston on 23 Jan, 2016 09:34 PM

    Winston's Avatar

    Ah, OK. I'd done a Spotlight search for "Extensions" and it found the OS 9 Extensions folder, but not the two you refer to. I guess Spotlight is set not to index OS X Library folders.

    My computer does not have a /Library/Extensions folder, but it does have /System/Library/Extensions.


    - Winston

    Cameron Kaiser wrote:

  6. 36 Posted by John Boyd on 24 Jan, 2016 11:16 AM

    John Boyd's Avatar

    Morning Winston and Cameron . . .

    For me it was simpler than seems to have been for you.. No search was needed.

    It was Macintosh HD/System Folder/Extensions and there I see the 171 entries.

    And, yes I've used the Activity Monitor a lot. I moved it into my dock.
    That's been to try to figure why there's trouble getting the Mac to Sleep.
    Found a program called PleaseSleep which does help, but still there's some
    activity disrupting sleep. When it goes to sleep automatically after 15
    minutes inactivity, the program is affecting the staying asleep to some

    Yes, I run Classic now and then for updates to my wife's web sites. I use
    Adobe GoLive 5 which has to work in Classic. All goes smoothly however. My
    email address is at one of the sites. Might give you a chuckle. At the
    bottom of each Home page will be links to the other sites. Enjoy.

    Best to you, John . . .
    [email blocked]

  7. 37 Posted by Winston on 24 Jan, 2016 08:52 PM

    Winston's Avatar

    John -

    As I said, if you were looking at the Extensions folder in "System Folder" you were looking at OS 9, not OS X. The system folder for OS X is just called "System".

    The OS 9 Extensions would only be active when you are running Classic, and would be running in emulation, i.e. OS 9 running as a program under OS X, which Apple calls "Classic".

    If you haven't looked at this, open System Preferences, then the Accounts pane, and click on the "Login Items" tab. There might be an item there that could be contributing to the sleep issues. Some of these items are standard for OS 10.4. In my case, the ones I think are standard are:
    - System Events
    - iTunes Helper
    - iCalAlarmScheduler

    Then I have additional items like LittleSnitch, SMARTReporter and PopChar that I've added.

    Good luck.

    - Winston

    John Boyd wrote:

  8. 38 Posted by Winston on 14 Mar, 2016 08:36 AM

    Winston's Avatar

    Just found another site where entering info in a text box is a problem: AT&T forums. Hit "reply" to a post, then hit the "quote" button to quote that post, TenFourFox crashes. This is an even bigger problem than elsewhere, because AT&T has a REALLY slow web site. So it takes forever for TFF to reload it.

    I think from some of the icons that AT&T is using a common forum platform.

    Luckily this does not happen on the MacResource forum. So it's not everywhere.

    Do wish there was a fix to this.

    - Winston

    John Boyd wrote:

  9. Support Staff 39 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on 14 Mar, 2016 06:42 PM

    Chris (chtrusch)'s Avatar

    Do you have a specific post on AT&T that crashes the browser? So far I cannot reproduce the problem. I went to…
    …hit the blue Reply button and then the grey Quote button. Neither did any of the AT&T pages take forever to load nor did the browser crash.

  10. 40 Posted by Winston on 14 Mar, 2016 07:14 PM

    Winston's Avatar

    When I went to the AT&T forum link you gave, TenFourFox crashed shortly after I hit "reply" to a message, even before I'd hit "quote" or clicked into the reply text box.

    And the page took about 20 seconds to load, which I consider on the edge of "forever". If TenFourFox has been open a while it seems to have a memory leak, and then I can get into beachballs that cause an AT&T web site page to take a minute or two to open. (I regularly quit and restart TFF.) I've tested TFF with all add-ons disabled, and the memory leak seems to still occur.

    This crash happens on every reply box I've tried on AT&T's forum, which at this point is about a dozen.

    I'm on the latest TenFourFox (38.7.0), on a 1.5 GHz G4 PowerBook running Mac OS 10.4.11. System is incredibly stable. And I have the right version of TFF for my processor - 7450.

    While I'm noting things: TenFourFox's back button sometimes doesn't respond to being clicked on, and I have to click it again. I can't reliably reproduce this, but it happens I'd guess about every 4th time I use the back button, although sometimes it seems to do it every time I hit the back button. I seem to aim for slightly off center to the lower right when this happens. My trackpad button does not have any clicking on problems anywhere else, including on anything else in TFF.


    - Winston

    Chris (chtrusch) wrote:

  11. Support Staff 41 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 14 Mar, 2016 08:11 PM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    The back button issue is known, but I don't fully understand what the actual problem is, and I'd prefer not to get into it in this specific ticket.

  12. 42 Posted by Winston on 14 Mar, 2016 08:56 PM

    Winston's Avatar

    No problem with not confusing things with the back button. Thanks.

    - Winston

    Cameron Kaiser wrote:

  13. Support Staff 43 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 16 Aug, 2016 08:29 PM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    John and Winston, if this is still happening for you, please see

    If you're able to give a crash dump for comparison, please post it in that thread.

  14. 44 Posted by John Boyd on 27 Jan, 2018 07:32 PM

    John Boyd's Avatar

    Hallooo Cameron . . .

    Calling in again to my wonderful tech support at Ten4Fox. It has been two
    years, but I'm not often needing to reply to emails since there has been
    so little work for me in typography.

    Yes, the crash and restore still happens with email reply or with a box in
    a survey. I went again to the link for a page you had set up with a text
    box and nothing more. Predictable crash and restore.

    So I'm wondering if there's been any progress in understand this issue,
    perhaps from Winston or Eric??

    And there's another quite separate question: I've been told there's an add
    on in Firefox to block websites from my email. Is that add on compatible
    or not to use with the current FRP5 version of our program?

    I've not used any add ons in Ten4Fox. Perhaps you have one available that
    accomplishes the blocking of these ridiculous ad sites.
    Best to you, John . . .
    [email blocked]

  15. Support Staff 45 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 28 Jan, 2018 12:43 AM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    Funny you should mention. The last couple days I've been tracking an intermittent crash on Hacker News that is similar to the crash signature reported by Eric, and does occur with text boxes. I've never reproduced it anywhere else, and it only happens sometimes, but I was able to get a backtrace with a possible cause. I don't know if this is your issue, but I think I have an idea how to wallpaper it, at least. That particular issue is tracked as issue 471:

  16. Support Staff 46 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 28 Jan, 2018 12:47 AM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    As far as the website blocking extension: if the extension is compatible with Firefox 45, it should work just fine with TenFourFox. Just drop it on any open browser window. Please note that addon support is "best effort" -- i.e., I don't guarantee all or even any addon will work because I don't control the addon's code, and some needed browser platform improvements may have unexpected impacts to compatibility.

  17. 47 Posted by John Boyd on 11 Mar, 2018 08:19 PM

    John Boyd's Avatar

    Thanks for being there . . .

    Still have these same questions.
    Best to you, John . . .
    [email blocked]

    Hallooo Cameron . . .

    Calling in again to my wonderful tech support at Ten4Fox. It has been two
    years, but I'm not often needing to reply to emails since there has been
    so little work for me in typography.

    Yes, the crash and restore still happens with email reply or with a box in
    a survey. I went again to the link for a page you had set up with a text
    box and nothing more. Predictable crash and restore.

    So I'm wondering if there's been any progress in understand this issue,
    perhaps from Winston or Eric??

    And there's another quite separate question: I've been told there's an add
    on in Firefox to block websites from my email. Is that add on compatible
    or not to use with the current FRP5 version of our program?

    I've not used any add ons in Ten4Fox. Perhaps you have one available that
    accomplishes the blocking of these ridiculous ad sites.
    Best to you, John . . .
    [email blocked]

  18. Support Staff 48 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 11 Mar, 2018 10:48 PM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    As you'll see from the link to issue 471 above, a speculative fix is in FPR6. I can't reproduce the issue anymore myself. I don't know if this is your issue, but you can try it. It will become live on the site tomorrow, or you may download an advance copy here:

    As far as the add-on question, I think I answered that; please advise if it was unclear.

  19. 49 Posted by John Boyd on 18 Mar, 2018 07:51 PM

    John Boyd's Avatar

    Sorry, Cameron . . .

    The FPR6 install didn't fix the problem with crashing when clicking to
    enter data.

    Sending now from a Mac mini (2014) Intel Core i5 which Marjorie bought for
    some of her writing clients to be able to send work to her.

    running macOS Sierra 10.12.4

    Here there's no problem clicking and using Reply.

    Best to you, John . . .
    [email blocked]

  20. Support Staff 50 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 19 Mar, 2018 12:42 AM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    Well, it was worth a shot. I'll leave this open.

  21. 51 Posted by John Boyd on 15 Apr, 2019 09:53 PM

    John Boyd's Avatar

    Hello Cameron . . .

    Seems something more than a year since we were contacting a few times.

    That was in ref to a problem with email where: when clicking to create the
    body of an email or to reply to a received email the entire browser
    crashes. It restores itself so that then one can click in the message area
    without problem.

    This being okay works until you come back after sleep, for example, and
    try to reply to an email. Crash!

    Perhaps there has been a rev possible since we last exchanged. ?

    Another issue prompts this email:

    I'm running FPR13(45.22.0) since it was first available. But often I am
    receiving encouragement to download and install FPR13.

    How come?

    Best to you, John . . .
    [email blocked]

  22. Support Staff 52 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 15 Apr, 2019 10:27 PM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    The current version is FPR13 SPR1 (internal version 45.22.1). It has a security update in it.

    I haven't heard anything further from other users or been able to reproduce it otherwise, and I haven't made any changes related to this issue since the last speculative fix.

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