Can't get out of fullscreen mode! Help!

bilbee's Avatar


23 Dec, 2013 06:11 PM

Had to go to Safari to do this. I started a you-tube video and it gave me an option to go to fullscreen. But there is no option to get out of it, and so I can't get to my Bookmarks, etc. Help!

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on 23 Dec, 2013 06:42 PM

    Chris (chtrusch)'s Avatar

    Actually, there are two options to get out of fullscreen mode on YouTube: Button (see screenshot attached) and pressing Escape.

  2. 2 Posted by William D.Bande... on 23 Dec, 2013 08:15 PM

    William D.Bandes's Avatar

    It appears that Chris (chtrusch),
    [email blocked], wrote:

    >Actually, there are two options to get out of fullscreen mode on YouTube:
    >Button (see screenshot attached) and pressing Escape.

    Whoa, this appears to be a TenFourFox (24) problem at large. Now
    EVERYTHING in TenFourFox is in fullscreen mode and I cannot get to the
    command line or my bookmarks. Pressing Escape doesn't work. The button
    is not there because I can't get back to YouTube, because I can't get
    back to my bookmarks. I tried deleting TenFourFox and re-installing it
    from the download page, but everything is STILL in fullscreen mode and I
    can't navigate. Evidently switching to the fullscreen mode in YouTube
    put something in my computer which stayed there when I deleted
    TenFourFox. Whatever it is, I need to get rid of it, and this may be
    something which needs to be fixed so TenFourFox does not allow the
    fullscreen mode to persist.

    The only way I can do any work is using Safari, but that doesn't have all
    my bookmarks. Thank heavens that my email program is not web-based, or I
    would not even be able to communicate with you about this.

    Still need help! Thanks,

    Bill (bilbee)

  3. 3 Posted by William D.Bande... on 23 Dec, 2013 08:54 PM

    William D.Bandes's Avatar

    It appears that Chris (chtrusch),
    [email blocked], wrote:

    >Actually, there are two options to get out of fullscreen mode on YouTube:
    >Button (see screenshot attached) and pressing Escape.

    Whoa, this appears to be a TenFourFox (24) problem at large. Now
    EVERYTHING in TenFourFox is in fullscreen mode and I cannot get to the
    command line or my bookmarks. Pressing Escape doesn't work. The button
    is not there because I can't get back to YouTube, because I can't get
    back to my bookmarks. I tried deleting TenFourFox and re-installing it
    from the download page, but everything is STILL in fullscreen mode and I
    can't navigate. Evidently switching to the fullscreen mode in YouTube
    put something in my computer which stayed there when I deleted
    TenFourFox. Whatever it is, I need to get rid of it, and this may be
    something which needs to be fixed so TenFourFox does not allow the
    fullscreen mode to persist.

    The only way I can do any work is using Safari, but that doesn't have all
    my bookmarks. Thank heavens that my email program is not web-based, or I
    would not even be able to communicate with you about this.

    I tried another "workaround." I went to Safari and got up a YouTube page
    on Safari. I put it in fullscreen mode and then used "Escape" to get it
    out of fullscreen mode. That worked for Safari. But when I went back to
    TenFourFox it was still in fullscreen mode, not on a YouTube page, and no
    way to get onto YouTube again, or to get anywhere else.

    Still need help!

    Bill (bilbee)

  4. 4 Posted by Robin on 29 Sep, 2014 08:14 PM

    Robin's Avatar

    I am having the same full screen problem with the 31.1.1 version of Ten Four Fox. Most times I can escape by pressing 'shift-alt-w' but not always. Firefox is similarly affected by this full screen bug; Camino and Safari are not. I tried going back to an earlier version of Ten Four Fox but that just led to a full white screen with a cartoon 'oops' on it.

  5. 5 Posted by Robin on 29 Sep, 2014 08:55 PM

    Robin's Avatar

    Apologies; the keys I press are 'shift-command-w'

  6. 6 Posted by Robin on 30 Sep, 2014 09:18 AM

    Robin's Avatar

    Although I could exit a full screen window using 'shift-comand-w' I did not want to have a full-screen at all. I have gone through all 3 of the Libraries chucking out anything that said 'TenFourFox- Mozilla-Firefox' Then I reinstalled TenFourFox 31.1.1. So far TenFourFox is behaving fine with no full screen windows. (Of course I made the mistake of throwing out the baby with the bath water and deleted all my bookmarks.)

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on 02 Oct, 2014 04:37 PM

    Chris (chtrusch)'s Avatar

    Hello Robin, if you experience the same problem again, and it's on Firefox, too, please refer to Mozilla or report it at Bugzilla.

  8. 8 Posted by Lois Anderson on 19 Nov, 2014 06:14 AM

    Lois Anderson's Avatar

    Try holding down command button then at same time press down esc. key.

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