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Joachim Schulz iPad annotation - Google Search
iPad, Mac and web apps for academics | academiPad
Writing in the wild: Unleash your flow with a keyboard for the iPad
Serious writing with iPad: What keyboard case fits your writing style?
52 Writing apps for iPad: What is your favorite?
Adonit Jot: The Best Stylus for Academics • academiPad
Stylus Academicus: What stylus is optimized for handwriting and conceptualizing ideas?
Pop for iOS: A new minimal word processor
Why buying a Smart Cover (or Smart Case) is a stupid idea
Use Diigo to annotate and organize the web
Seven simple tricks to impressively speed up slow iPads
Android vs. iPad: What platform will be the long-term winner?
The 30 Best iPad apps for college students and academics (part 3)

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