LastPass addon now crashing my TFF 31.2 and 31.4

boris's Avatar


16 Jan, 2015 07:55 PM

Using a G4 7450 processor, TFF 31.2 strangely refused to launch today, with the system giving the error "unexpectedly quit". TFF would unexpectedly quit in the launch, right after it drew the menubar. TFF would not create a window before unexpectedly quitting.

I installed the updated TFF 31.4 (pulling it off web with Safari), but TFF 31.4 exhibited the same behavior.

Then I "safely" launched TFF holding down the option key and it ran fine. Then I reset TFF, by relaunching it, thinking maybe an addon or extension is the problem. I use just a few addons, and set about installing them one by one - first and foremost LastPass password manager. Restarting TFF with LastPass addon installed, it unexpectedly quit in the same way, so I'm going to guess here something is going on with LastPass. Researching online and here, I've found no evidence anyone else is having a problem, so I'm stumped.

Nothing has changed on this machine since I last used it, and I have used the LastPass addon with TFF for quite a while now (a year, two years?). I did not update TFF and I have not updated anything about TFF. At home, I have another G4 7450 PPC running TFF with LastPass addon, and later today I will check to see if that installation is still running.

Has anyone else observed this problem? I'll go see if there's a LastPass discussion group somewhere...



  1. 1 Posted by boris on 17 Jan, 2015 02:27 AM

    boris's Avatar

    Correction to the next-to-last paragraph:
    I did not update LastPass and I have not updated anything about LastPass.
    Clearly, I did update TFF in an effort to figure out the bug.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 17 Jan, 2015 06:15 AM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    A crash log file would be helpful.

    Please note that add-on support, due to TenFourFox running on a substantially different platform than regular Firefox, is best-effort only.

  3. 3 Posted by Pete on 18 Jan, 2015 03:53 PM

    Pete's Avatar

    Hi Boris - had similar problems. Was running 31.2 and LP extension 3.1.54 -sweet.
    On upgrading to 31.4 no problem. However on upgrading to LP 3.1.75 (actually 3.1.77) had exactly the same problem and took the same troubleshooting route with same results. I contacted LP support to try and get a copy of 3.1.54 or a solution to the problem but no joy. Was told would send me a copy when it appeared on their 'previous versions' list. Still waiting....

  4. 4 Posted by Pete on 18 Jan, 2015 03:59 PM

    Pete's Avatar

    PS am currently running LP 3.1.40 but it is oh so slow...

  5. 5 Posted by boris on 19 Jan, 2015 06:29 PM

    boris's Avatar

    @ Cameron, thanks for reply. I'll be on that machine again tomorrow and then will extract and post a log file (now that I've figured out where to find them... learn something new every day!).

    @ Pete, thanks for reply.. So does LastPass do some kind of updating in the background? (I see that I'm running LP 3.1.89 in Chrome browser on my iMac w/ intel core 2 duo CPU) Can you let me know how to downgrade the extension to LP v. 3.1.40 on my G4 Powerbook?

    Many thanks!

  6. 6 Posted by boris on 19 Jan, 2015 06:32 PM

    boris's Avatar

    Are we the only people using LastPass on TenFourFox?? I thought more people might have been affected... maybe the problem is hardware specific. I'm running TFF on a 17" G4 powerbook 1.67GHz (I think. I can get exact specs tomorrow if anyone is interested.) It's one of the last G4 powerbooks made (and it runs my classic apps faster than anything else I've ever used!).

  7. 7 Posted by boris on 19 Jan, 2015 06:36 PM

    boris's Avatar

    Oh, and I forgot to report that at home, TFF 31.4 is running just fine with LastPass extension on a 12" 1GHz G4 iBook (also the 7450 CPU). So the problem does seem hardware specific. Tonight I'll look and see what version of LP extension is installed there...

  8. 8 Posted by pete on 19 Jan, 2015 07:05 PM

    pete's Avatar

    Well, since Lastpass extension is no longer a FF update, I think not. I too am using an iBook G4 so there we have the same hardware. I updated the LP extension when I logged into LP and was advised of a new update - and then it crashed as you described. (I'm also running this on an Android tablet which is great).
    It'll be interesting to see what your iBook is running...

  9. 9 Posted by pete on 19 Jan, 2015 07:11 PM

    pete's Avatar

    Re 3.1.40 - select the Download Free button and on the new page scroll down to the very bottom where it indicates release notes and previous editions.
    3.1.40 is under "Firefox Only"


  10. 10 Posted by boris on 20 Jan, 2015 12:04 PM

    boris's Avatar

    THanks, Pete.
    Update from my home G4, it's a 1.33GHz G4 7450 iBook
    TFF is v.31.3 (still)
    LastPass is v.3.1.77

    So that's interesting, because you reported TFF crashing with LP 3.1.77

    It appears to be running for me.

    I don't know what version of LP is crashing my TFF on the other G4, because I can't get TFF to run even for a moment.


  11. 11 Posted by scandarello19 on 20 Jan, 2015 03:53 PM

    scandarello19's Avatar

    [email blocked]

    On 20/01/2015 13:05, boris wrote:
    pre { width: 92%; margin: 10px 2%; padding: 5px 2%; background: #efefef; border: 1px solid #d6d6d6 } blockquote { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 1em; border-left: 5px solid #ccc; }

    // Please reply above this line

    From: boris

    THanks, Pete.
    Update from my home G4, it's a 1.33GHz G4 7450 iBook
    TFF is v.31.3 (still)
    LastPass is v.3.1.77

    So that's interesting, because you reported TFF crashing with LP 3.1.77

    It appears to be running for me.

    I don't know what version of LP is crashing my TFF on the other G4, because I can't get TFF to run even for a moment.


    On Mon, Jan 19 at 07:11 PM, pete wrote:

    Re 3.1.40 - select the Download Free button and on the new page scroll down to the very bottom where it indicates release notes and previous editions.
    3.1.40 is under "Firefox Only"


    Having trouble reading this? View this discussion online: LastPass addon now crashing my TFF 31.2 and 31.4.

    Reply with #ignore to stop receiving notifications for this discussion.

  12. 12 Posted by scandarello19 on 20 Jan, 2015 04:11 PM

    scandarello19's Avatar

    On 20/01/2015 13:05, boris wrote:
    pre { width: 92%; margin: 10px 2%; padding: 5px 2%; background: #efefef; border: 1px solid #d6d6d6 } blockquote { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 1em; border-left: 5px solid #ccc; }

    // Please reply above this line

    From: boris

    THanks, Pete.
    Update from my home G4, it's a 1.33GHz G4 7450 iBook
    TFF is v.31.3 (still)
    LastPass is v.3.1.77

    So that's interesting, because you reported TFF crashing with LP 3.1.77

    It appears to be running for me.

    I don't know what version of LP is crashing my TFF on the other G4, because I can't get TFF to run even for a moment.


    On Mon, Jan 19 at 07:11 PM, pete wrote:

    Re 3.1.40 - select the Download Free button and on the new page scroll down to the very bottom where it indicates release notes and previous editions.
    3.1.40 is under "Firefox Only"


    Having trouble reading this? View this discussion online: LastPass addon now crashing my TFF 31.2 and 31.4.

    Reply with #ignore to stop receiving notifications for this discussion.

  13. 13 Posted by Pete on 20 Jan, 2015 04:20 PM

    Pete's Avatar

    OK, after reading your iBook info went back to library/Application Support/Lastpass. and renamed it 1Lastpass.
    I then removed LP extension (3.1.40) from TFF and restarted TFF. Checking Applications Support/firefox saw that the [email blocked] file had been deleted (the extension)

    Downloaded Lastpass 3.1.77 and restarted TFF. Voila'! It loaded as it should and I started LP without problems.
    Also checked my tablet connection and that was also working ok.

    Thus the Lastpass folder would appear to be in error. (since LP is an extension of TFF should there be a support file??)
    Rechecked Application Support/ for Lastpass and it was'nt there and as yet hasn't been recreated.

    Maybe you can check your other G4 for similar.?? Would be interested to know what you find...

  14. 14 Posted by boris on 20 Jan, 2015 06:32 PM

    boris's Avatar

    @ Cameron:

    I reinstalled the offending LastPass extension v.3.1.77 and upon restarting TFF 31.4 got the expected "unexpected quit."

    I looked up two log files:

    From the console.log:

    Mac OS X Version 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
    2015-01-20 11:22:02 -0500
    Jan 20 11:22:17 Classy-Al ntpdate[137]: no server suitable for synchronization found
    2015-01-20 11:22:23.370 SystemUIServer[85] lang is:en
    Warning: TenFourFox rejecting bitmap-only font Helvetica-Oblique.
    Warning: TenFourFox rejecting bitmap-only font Helvetica-BoldOblique.
    Warning: TenFourFox rejecting bitmap-only font Helvetica-Oblique.
    Warning: TenFourFox rejecting bitmap-only font Helvetica-BoldOblique.
    Warning: TenFourFox rejecting bitmap-only font Helvetica-Oblique.
    Warning: TenFourFox rejecting bitmap-only font Helvetica-BoldOblique.
    2015-01-20 11:27:20.079 firefox[224] *** -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]: selector not recognized [self = 0x40bbc0]
    2015-01-20 11:27:20.080 firefox[224] Mozilla has caught an Obj-C exception [NSInvalidArgumentException: *** -[NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:]: selector not recognized [self = 0x40bbc0]]
    Jan 20 11:27:21 Classy-Al crashdump[225]: firefox crashed
    Jan 20 11:27:22 Classy-Al crashdump[225]: crash report written to: /Users/janet/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/firefox.crash.log
    Warning: TenFourFox rejecting bitmap-only font Helvetica-Oblique.
    .... [plus numerous additional identical font warnings, I guess one for each font I have in my OS9.2 sys folder]...
    Warning: TenFourFox rejecting bitmap-only font Helvetica-BoldOblique.
    1421771871656    addons.update-checker    WARN    Update manifest for {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} did not contain an updates property

    I have attached firefox.crash.log:


  15. 15 Posted by boris on 20 Jan, 2015 06:38 PM

    boris's Avatar

    @ Pete,

    At my remote location today, I successfully installed LP extension v.3.1.40 and TFF 31.4 runs fine with it on my 1.667 GHz G4 Powerbook - thanks for that tip.

    But I'm running behind! Now I will try the renaming of the folder that you suggested (how did you think of that?), and try it again with LP 3.1.77

  16. 16 Posted by boris on 20 Jan, 2015 07:03 PM

    boris's Avatar

    @ Pete, and anyone else following this problem.

    I followed Pete's suggestion of renaming the LastPass folder in the Application Support folder (in Library folder in your home folder). I renamed it to 1LastPass.

    I then quit TFF (which had LP 3.1.40 installed and running), and restarted in "safe" mode (launch TFF while holding down option key), and told it to "reset" TFF. Then I navigated to LastPass download page and downloaded the latest LP extension v.3.1.77.

    This produced a NEW LastPass folder alongside the renamed 1LastPass folder in the Application Support folder. That didn't seem promising, but I pressed on, relaunching TFF.

    It immediately crashed. So then I removed the 1LastPass folder (which I assumed contained all the stuff for LP extension 3.1.40?), and renamed the remaining LastPass folder to 1LastPass. Launching TFF again brought VICTORY!

    Now I have TFF 31.4 running with LP extension 3.1.77

    I logged in and it is performing briskly.

    Thank you very much!

    P.S. what's odd is that the 1LastPass folder contains only another folder "fftmp" and that contains nothing (visible). The prior LastPass folder had numerous files in it.

  17. Support Staff 17 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 20 Jan, 2015 08:44 PM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    Boris, I'm glad it works fine. But, for what it's worth on the logs you posted:

    The console log font warnings are just that, warnings. TenFourFox's font renderer cannot use Type 1 bitmap-only fonts and when it finds one while doing a font inventory, it will ignore it and log a warning in case you were expecting it to be used by a webpage.

    Your crash log indicates an out of memory condition. How much RAM was in the machine that crashed?

    There is one interesting item in the console log: [NSFileManager moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:] should not occur. It appears in only one place in the source code, i.e., the crash reporter itself, which is actually disabled. If this log message was indeed actually triggered by the crash reporter, however, the browser is already crashing from some other cause, so it's not the explanation for your problem. The only other thing I can think of is that LastPass somehow kicked it off, but if that's true, it should be repeatable.

  18. 18 Posted by Pete on 20 Jan, 2015 08:55 PM

    Pete's Avatar

    Great!! Looks like the update is creating the extra folder. By not deleting 3.1.40 from TFF before updating, a second LP folder was created with the numerous files you mention. 3.1.40 had just a temp file so worked I presume.

    For Cameron, here a copy of TFF/console log I sent to Lastpass back in December. Hope it helps

    Best wishes

  19. 19 Posted by boris on 20 Jan, 2015 09:20 PM

    boris's Avatar

    First, many thanks to Cameron and the rest of the TenFourFox crew for maintaining such a nice product for us retro-grouch G4, G5, OS 9.2, OSX Classic non-intel CPU users! The TFF browser is fantastic and without it I'd have to haul two laptops around all the time: one for browsing (OSX) and one for getting work done (OS9).

    @ Cameron: in your last paragraph you say the crash should be repeatable... it is, and today, this morning, I repeated it so that I could send you "fresh" log files. I'm not a programmer, so parts of that paragraph were difficult to understand. I'm glad to follow further instructions, if you want to delve deeper into this problem - though I'm under the impression not many people are suffering from it (and as you suggest, it could/probably is LastPass fault - they need to fix it).

    THanks for the info about TFF ignoring Type 1 font bitmaps. Understood that!

    Ram on that Powerbook is 1.5 GB which is quite roomy, I would think. The iBook I use at home has less memory, and (so far) TFF has not quit on it, despite using the LP extension v.3.1.77. Then again, I've not restarted TFF on the iBook since all this started happening on the Powerbook.

    With what I've learned this morning, I'll examine the iBook again (including the folders in the Application Support folder) and report back.

    @ Pete, you observed this problem back in December?


  20. Support Staff 20 Posted by Cameron Kaiser on 20 Jan, 2015 09:27 PM

    Cameron Kaiser's Avatar

    1.5GB should be sufficient.

    Pete, I don't really have anything to add to your crash log. You might look in your console.log and see if you see the same message Boris does.

    Note that LastPass may simply tell you they don't support 10.4 anymore (10.4 does not implement that Objective-C selector).

  21. 21 Posted by pete on 21 Jan, 2015 07:44 AM

    pete's Avatar

    @Boris Yes first had problem just before 'mas. At that time was running 31.3 and 3.1.54.Lastpass site informed me there was an update -so did, and that started it all.

    I'm also not a programmer but my conclusion of the events and your input would tend to indicate that one should delete the old version from TFF before loading the new - the old and new seem to clash and create that LP folder. If you look now you probably don't have it anymore (apart from what you renamed) - or perhaps better still, don't update!
    Yes ditto your comments re TFF & TFB crews, without their efforts to keep the PPC platform alive would be stuck. Bravi!

  22. 22 Posted by boris on 21 Jan, 2015 06:55 PM

    boris's Avatar

    @ Pete, as far as i can tell the LastPass extension must be updating in the background (not to say: behind my back!). I've never seen a dialog asking me to update or giving me any options to stay with older versions, and yet my iBook (for example) has the latest version. So the updates seem to be out of my hand. I'll look into a way to disable auto-updating.
    Thanks again, everyone.

    PS awesome computer room, Cameron!

  23. 23 Posted by pete on 21 Jan, 2015 07:58 PM

    pete's Avatar

    Not sure on that but you may be right. Insomuch that it is an extension you can go to the add-ons and for Lastpass select 'more'. You can turn off auto update there.

  24. 24 Posted by boris on 22 Jan, 2015 02:30 AM

    boris's Avatar

    Ah, I found the spot in TFF, where I can disable "update add-ons automatically."

    On the iBook (1.33GHz G4, 1GB memory) now, I note that TFF 31.3 restarted handily with LastPass v.3.1.77 and runs it no problem. So this is still a mystery...
    I looked in the Application Support folder - indeed I searched the entire drive - and could find no LastPass nor 1LastPass folder. Apparently, absent any folder at all, the browser runs happily with LP. But why would there not be a folder on this machine, when my Powerbook had such a folder?

    Curious, but still glad the problem is "fixed."

  25. 25 Posted by gene on 05 Jul, 2015 12:19 PM

    gene's Avatar

    Hi, had the same problem on G5 with TFF 31 or 38 (tried both). Pete's rename the folder solution cured it. Thanks, Pete

  26. 26 Posted by angela on 06 Jul, 2015 05:07 PM

    angela's Avatar

    thanks for posting this! it helped my issue my TFF and LP.

    FYI, i notice that this issue comes up after the 2 or 3 TFF updates and the culprit is usually LP.

  27. 27 Posted by graybyrd on 08 Jul, 2015 10:02 PM

    graybyrd's Avatar

    Renaming the lastpass folder in the Application Support folder solved my crashing problem also (TFF 7400 31.8.0, Pismo w/G4 upgrade, OSX 10.4.11), LastPass 3.1.95. Thanks much for the support!

  28. 28 Posted by scandarello19 on 09 Jul, 2015 08:18 AM

    scandarello19's Avatar

    On 09/07/2015 00:02, graybyrd wrote:
    pre { width: 92%; margin: 10px 2%; padding: 5px 2%; background: #efefef; border: 1px solid #d6d6d6 } blockquote { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 1em; border-left: 5px solid #ccc; }

    // Please reply above this line

    From: graybyrd

    Renaming the lastpass folder in the Application Support folder solved my crashing problem also (TFF 7400 31.8.0, Pismo w/G4 upgrade, OSX 10.4.11), LastPass 3.1.95. Thanks much for the support!

    On Mon, Jul 06 at 05:07 PM, angela wrote:

    thanks for posting this! it helped my issue my TFF and LP.

    FYI, i notice that this issue comes up after the 2 or 3 TFF updates and the culprit is usually LP.

    Having trouble reading this? View this discussion online: LastPass addon now crashing my TFF 31.2 and 31.4.

    Reply with #ignore to stop receiving notifications for this discussion.

  29. 29 Posted by Melroy van den ... on 10 Sep, 2015 11:50 AM

    Melroy van den Berg's Avatar

    Yep the LastPass add-on causes freezes using Firefox & Linux Mint.

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