unable to unzip last update

Denise Parmentier's Avatar

Denise Parmentier

10 Nov, 2014 09:58 PM

unable to unzip last update: TenFourFox7450-31.2.0.app.zip with Unarchiver please help!!

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on 11 Nov, 2014 04:02 PM

    Chris (chtrusch)'s Avatar

    Hello Denise, make sure it's downloaded completely. The .zip file must be exactly 39,854,851 bytes. Right-click and 'Get Info' to comfirm. Then right-click, 'Open With'>'Archive Utility' (on 10.5) or "BomArchiveHelper' on 10.4.

  2. 2 Posted by Denise Parmenti... on 11 Nov, 2014 11:00 PM

    Denise Parmentier's Avatar

    Thank you Chris it did finally unzip.
    It's a great product that has kept my dinosaur Mac going. Any suggestions to watch YouTube videos. I can't do any further Adobe Flash updates. It's a PowerPC Mac G4 ...not an Intel

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Chris (chtrusch... on 12 Nov, 2014 01:55 PM

    Chris (chtrusch)'s Avatar

    Great! For Youtube, have a look here https://code.google.com/p/tenfourfox/wiki/AAATheFAQ#How_can_I_play_H.264_video? and the next paragraph. Personally, I just use the html5 feature for Youtube.

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